Kids' Size Guide

Please refer to our size guide conversion chart below as the EU conversion is not the same in every style and it could be different when purchasing our footwear!


1.5 17.5
2 18
2.5 18.5
3 19
3.5 19.5
4 20
4.5 21
5 21.5
5.5 22
6 23
6.5 23.5
7 24
7.5 25


8 25.5
8.5 26
9 27
9.5 27.5
10 28
10.5 28.5
11 29
11.5 30
12 30.5
12.5 31
13 32
13.5 32.5
1 33
2 34
2.5 35


3 36
4 37
5 38
6 39
7 41
8 42

CustomFit - Junior

Size D(mm) E(mm) F(mm) G(mm) H(mm)
JNR 6 138-143 144-149 150-156 157-162 163-168
JNR 6.5 140-145 146-152 153-158 159-164 165-171
JNR 7 142-148 149-154 155-160 161-167 168-173
JNR 7.5 145-150 151-157 158-163 164-169 170-176
JNR 8 147-153 154-159 160-165 166-172 173-178
JNR 8.5 150-155 159-161 162-168 169-174 175-180
JNR 9 155-160 161-167 168-173 174-179 180-186
JNR 9.5 157-163 164-169 170-175 176-182 183-188
JNR 10 160-165 166-171 172-178 179-184 185-190
JNR 10.5 162-167 168-174 175-180 181-186 187-193
JNR 11 164-170 171-176 171-176 184-189 190-195
JNR 11.5 167-172 173-179 180-185 186-191 192-198
JNR 12 169-175 176-181 182-187 188-194 195-200
JNR 12.5 172-177 178-183 184-190 191-196 197-202
JNR 13 172-177 178-183 184-190 191-196 197-202
JNR 13.5 176-182 183-188 189-194 195-201 202-207
JNR 1 179-184 185-190 191-197 198-203 204-210
JNR 1.5 181-186 187-193 194-199 200-206 207-212
JNR 2 182-188 189-194 195-200 201-207 208-213
JNR 2.5 185-191 192-197 198-203 204-210 211-216

*Width fitting is measured from the widest part of the foot. Usually from the small toe joint to the big toe joint.

CustomFit - Senior

Size D(mm) E(mm) F(mm) G(mm) H(mm)
SNR 3 189-194 194-200 201-207 208-213 214-219
SNR 3.5 192-197 198-203 204-210 211-216 217-222
SNR 4 195-200 201-207 208-213 214-219 220-226
SNR 4.5 198-203 204-210 211-216 217-222 223-229
SNR 5 201-207 208-213 214-219 220-226 227-232
SNR 5.5 204-210 211-216 217-222 223-229 230-235
SNR 6 208-213 214-219 220-226 227-232 233-238
SNR 6.5 211-216 217-222 223-229 230-235 236-241
SNR 7 214-219 220-226 227-232 233-238 239-245
SNR 7.5 217-222 223-229 230-235 236-241 242-248
SNR 8 220-226 227-232 233-238 239-245 246-251

*Width fitting is measured from the widest part of the foot. Usually from the small toe joint to the big toe joint.

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